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NORTHSHIRE SARATOGA VICTORIAN NIGHT, SARATOGA SPRINGS, NY                                               NOVEMBER 30 6 PM



South Shore Irish Festival


Saturday, September 9 to Sunday, September 10

Time: All day, into evening!

Drinking Guinness, meeting readers, and signing books? Yes! I'm looking forward to sharing some craic and listening to music and lore. I'll be joined by fellow Sisters in Crime authors Marion Stanley and Kathryn Guare. Both authors write books woven with Irish culture and mystery. Find the Author's Tent and sit and chat for a bit. You can find a full schedule of events and acts here.

Join me!


We're Not Making This Up: Sisters in Crime Panel Discussion 

Bookstock Literary Festival, Woodstock, Vermont

Friday, July 28, 2017 


Norman Williams Library Mezzanine

Sisters In Crime authors will be

signing books all weekend!

Stop by our booth on the green

and say Hello!

On Friday, July 28, I will moderate a panel entitled, “We’re Not Making This Up,” a discussion of how authors use threads of real life to weave better stories. Authors Kate George and Roberta A. Herald from the New England chapter of Sisters in Crime, a national organization of mystery and thriller authors, will talk about how great fiction starts in the real world.

Bookstock supports the cultural richness and diversity of the Upper Valley and celebrates authors and poets, both established and emerging, from our region. New England is home to many talented writers representing diverse genres, from national Poet Laureates and Pulitzer Prize winners to emerging young writers and those who have found their compelling voice at midlife. Bookstock encourages appreciation for good writing and other artistic endeavors by introducing residents and visitors of all ages to writers, musicians and artists in an intimate setting.

Most events take place in historic buildings around Woodstock’s lovely Green, within three minutes’ walk to the center of Woodstock village, with its unique shops and superb dining. In addition, ArtisTree Gallery in South Pomfret, hosts the opening reception, as well as the UnBound exhibition of book art. Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park hosts a writing workshop and presentation. Bentley’s Restaurant holds a brunch reading Sunday morning.


Love discovering new authors but don't know where to start? Sampling authors by reading their short stories is perfect! 


Join me on Thursday, March 23 at 7:00 at Porter Square Books in Cambridge, Massachusetts. I'll be talking with three authors you should know! We all share a love of mysteries and short stories, but our differences will surprise you. Each of us has a story in Windward: Best New England Crime Stories. Come and discover your next favorite author!



NOVEMBER 17 - 20


181-189 2nd Avenue

New York, New York

I'm very pleased to be invited as a panelist for the EQUUS Film Festival in New York City. 


The EQUUS festival was created to highlight and award the diverse and creative efforts of those who artistically pay homage to the horse. The festival empowers storytellers to show the rich history and diverse tapestry of horses in human culture through equestrian content.  We have feature films, documentaries, shorts, music videos, commercials, training educational materials, art and literature.
As home to the storytellers of the horse world, the EQUUS Film Festival, November 17-20, 2016 at the Village East Cinema in New York City, is the first event of its kind dedicated to equestrian-themed film, fine art and authors. The EQUUS Directors Panels,  EQUUS Pop-Up artist, filmmaker and literary gallery, Li'l Herc™ free Saturday family films, Sunday tours of the Carriage Horses Stables, and a Thursday evening VIP Party,  are all part of the festival event program.


Equine Affaire

Author Panel Discussion

The Big E

West Springfield, MA

The Equine Affaire is the country's largest exposition of all things horse. Over one hundred thousand people attend this event each year and horse people of all disciplines know it's a must-see event. This year, I'll be moderator for two panels featuring authors of your favorite horse-related books.

1. “Favorite Fictional Horses: From the Black Stallion to My Little Pony - What our favorites say about us” on Thursday, November 10th at 11:00 AM

Patti Brooks
Maggie Dana
Mara Dabrishus

2. “Capturing the Essence of Horse in Fiction: How authors use horses to tell you a better story” on Friday, November 11th at 10:00 AM

Holly Robinson
Natalie Keller Reinert
Laura Moore


We're Not Making This Up: Sisters in Crime Panel Discussion 

Marstons Mills Public Library

Saturday, October 22, 2016 at 2:00pm

(NOTE: I'll also be speaking at Canaan, New Hampshire on October 26. The topic is "Stealing from the Dead" and will part of a ceremony to award Canaan's public library with a grant! More information here.)

Members of Sisters in Crime New England will speak at the Marstons Mills Public Library on Cape Cod at 2 PM. Panel discussions generally run from an hour to an hour and a half, with 30 to 40 minutes of discussion by the panelists, followed by questions from the audience, and book signing and sales. The topic, “We Not Making This Up,” was originally developed for non-fiction true crime writers, but since the number of authors who write true crime has diminished, Sisters in Crime has expanded the topic to include fiction writers who mix fact and fiction in their books. That's perfect for me because my stories hang on the bones of fact.


Joining me for the “We’re Not Making This Up” panel will be:


Susan Oleksiw  

"I don't remember a time when I wasn't writing or making up stories."

Susan Oleksiw writes the Anita Ray series featuring an Indian-American photographer living in South India at her aunt's tourist hotel. In the first book in the series, Under the Eye of Kali (2010), a guest disappears and another falls unconscious. In The Wrath of Shiva (2012) and For the Love of Parvati(2014) Anita solves crimes among her extended family. When Krishna Calls (2016) finds Anita and Auntie Meena facing the loss of their hotel and everything they care about.

Carolyn Wilkins 


Carolyn Wilkins is a Professor of Ensembles at Berklee College of Music and the author of  Melody For Murder: A Bertie Bigelow Mystery.  She is also the author of They Raised Me Up: A Black Single Mother and the Women Who Inspired Her and Damn Near White: An African American Family’s Rise from Slavery to Bittersweet Success. Her nonfiction books are available from the University of Missouri Press. Carolyn's new mystery novel Mojo For Murder will be released by Pen-L Publishing in the Fall of 2016



Independent Publishers of New England Annual Conference

Friday, October 21 to Saturday, October 22

If you don't know about the Independent Publishers of New England, you should. 

Workshops & Panels

IPNE believes in the value of hands-on, practical knowledge transfer in a variety of formats targeting diverse learning styles. That's why they are designing a smorgasbord of pithy interactive and hands-on sessions for you to choose from. Check the Conference registration page for the latest! I'll be helping authors perfect their presentation and interviewing skills with a workshop on Friday.


IPNE's theme this year is, "Collaboration Is the New Competition." They are planning a special collaborator-matching program at the Conference, so let them know: How do youcollaborate to produce, publish, and market your books? What services or assistance would help you most? What talents and skills can you offer others? Sharing knowledge is power!

Boston Irish Heritage Festivals

Dates: MARSHFIELD: Saturday, September 10 to Sunday, September 11

DORCHESTER: Sunday, October 9

Time: All day, into evening!

It's wonderful to be invited as a featured author for any event, but to be included in these annual Irish heritage festivals is so exciting! I know my books raise a few eyebrows in certain circles. I can see folks wondering what this American lass is doing writing about Northern Ireland's troubles. I've had my politics tested and heard incredible stories of Irish oppression directly from those who have experienced it. I'm looking forward to signing books, chatting with readers, and sharing some craic.

Join me!

Boston Irish Heritage Festivals

Dates: MARSHFIELD: Saturday, September 10 to Sunday, September 11

DORCHESTER: Sunday, October 9

Time: All day, into evening!

It's wonderful to be invited as a featured author for any event, but to be included in these annual Irish heritage festivals is so exciting! I know my books raise a few eyebrows in certain circles. I can see folks wondering what this American lass is doing writing about Northern Ireland's troubles. I've had my politics tested and heard incredible stories of Irish oppression directly from those who have experienced it. I'm looking forward to signing books, chatting with readers, and sharing some craic.

Join me!


Bookstock Literary Festival

Date: Friday, July 29 to Sunday July 31

Time: 9 am to 5 pm

Place: Woodstock, Vermont


Bookstock supports the cultural richness and diversity of the Upper Valley and celebrates authors and poets, both established and emerging, from our region. New England is home to many talented writers representing diverse genres, from national Poet Laureates and Pulitzer Prize winners to emerging young writers and those who have found their compelling voice at midlife. Bookstock encourages appreciation for good writing and other artistic endeavors by introducing residents and visitors of all ages to writers, musicians and artists in an intimate setting.


Most events take place in historic buildings around Woodstock’s lovely Green, within three minutes’ walk to the center of Woodstock village, with its unique shops and superb dining.  In addition, ArtisTree Gallery in South Pomfret, hosts the opening reception, as well as the UnBound exhibition of book art. Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park hosts a writing workshop and presentation. Bentley’s Restaurant holds a brunch reading Sunday morning.



Custom House Maritime Days

Date: Saturday, May 28 to Monday, May 30

Time: 9 am to 5 pm

Place: Custom House Maritme Museum at the Waterfront, Newburyport, Massachusetts

(map here.)

One of the best things an author can do is belong to an active and dynamic writers' group. I belong to one of the finest in Massachusetts. You'll find me alongside best selling authors, publicists, publishers, and more Memorial Day weekend as we celebrate the coming of summer and the Spanish galleon, El Galeon. Read the Boston Globe article here and a press release on the Newburyport Writers Group here. We'll be answering questions on the writing and publishing process as well as our new books.

Join us!


It's time for the Local Author Fair at Nevins Library in Methuen!  Come Support Local Authors and find your next favorite book!

Date: Saturday, May 14

Time: 1 pm to 4 pm

Place: Nevins Library, Methuen, Massachusetts (map here)


At this event, you will have the opportunity to hear about dozens of books written locally and meet the authors. You will also have the opportunity to enter to win Raffle Prizes! 


The authors will have their books available for purchase and signing.


This years featured authors include:

  • William Breen Jr.

  • Anne Cutler

  • Susan Fleet

  • Connie Johnson Hambley*

  • Sharon Healy-Yang

  • Jeff Ives/Larry Giordano

  • Coralie Jensen*

  • Maureen Milliken*

  • Liz Mugavero*

  • Susan Oleksiw*

  • J.E. Seymour*

* - Member of Sisters in Crime



I was very pleased to be invited as guest on Write Now, a community TV show dedicated to the written arts. The host, Gayle C. Heney is an author, poet and former two term Poet Laureate of North Andover. Her program, Write Now showcases authors who have successfully published a book in today’s rapidly changing publishing environment with the goal of encouraging viewers to write. She has been producing Write Now for over 10 years. 


The episode of Write Now featuring The Troubles will air in February 2016 for the following towns at the times listed: 


North Andover, MA on Comcast channel 22 and Verizon channel 24 on Fridays @ 11 am, and 1:30 am, Tuesdays @ 8 pm and Sat. @ 8 pm


Andover, MA on Comcast channel 8 and Verizon channel 47 on Tuesdays @ 10 am and Mondays @ 8 pm, and in


Methuen, MA on Comcast channel 22 and Verizon channel 33 on Tuesdays @ 8:30 pm and Wed. @ 9:30 am.






Boston Convention & Exhibition Center

415 Summer St, Boston, Massachusetts 02210

What do I have in common with Chelsea Clinton, Isaac Mizrahi, and Andres Dubus III? We are all going to be at the American Library Association's conference in Boston!


(I think the comparisons stop there.)


I'll be joining my other Sisters in Crime authors in the exhibit hall for a bit of murder chat, book signing, and telling everyone about what a great organization SinC is!


Sat 10-12: Sheila Connolly, Leslie Wheeler. 

Sat 12-2: Gin Jones, Arlene Kay

Sat 2-5: Julie Hennrikus

Sun 9-11: GM Malliet, Edith Maxwell

Sun 11-1: Barbara Struna, Marian Lanouette 

Sun 1-3: Peggy Gaffney

Sun 2-4: Connie Johnson Hambley 

Mon 9-12: Joy Seymour


Mon 12-2: Clea Simon, Susan Fleet 


See you there!


Author High Tea 

Wenham Tea House, 4 Monument Street, Wenham, MA

Friday, December 18, 2015 at 3:30pm


What better way to bring readers into a story than to have them visit the central locations of the story!


Join me for tea, talk, and a brief reading. Enjoy!


Read about the event here.


We're Not Making This Up: Sisters in Crime Panel Discussion 

Martha Canfield Library, 528 East Arlington Rd, Arlington, Vermont 05250

Sunday, November 1, 2015 at 2:00pm


Members of Sisters in Crime New England will speak at the Martha Canfield Memorial Library in Arlington, VT on Sunday, November 1 at 2 PM. Panel discussions generally run from an hour to an hour and a half, with 30 to 40 minutes of discussion by the panelists, followed by questions from the audience, and book signing and sales. The topic, “We Not Making This Up,” was originally developed for non-fiction true crime writers, but since the number of authors who write true crime has diminished, Sisters in Crime has expanded the topic to include fiction writers who mix fact and fiction in their books. That's perfect for me because my stories hang on the bones of fact.


Panelists for the “We’re Not Making This Up” panel will be:

Joining me are: 


Ellen Larson, freelance writer and editor. She published her first short story in Yankee Magazine in 1972, and her most recent in Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine in 2010 and was a finalist for a Barry Award. She is the author of several mystery novels as well as THE MEASURE OF THE UNIVERSE, a whimsical sci-fi novella. Her latest novel, IN RETROSPECT, a futuristic murder mystery, came out in November 2013 (Five Star Publishing).

Nancy Means Wright, author of seventeen books, including nine mysteries from St Martin's Press, involving a Vermont dairy farmer, two historical mysteries from Perseverance Press, featuring Mary Wollestonecraft as a sleuth (Midnight Fires and The Nighmare) & elsewhere. Her two kids mysteries have been an Agatha winner and Agatha finalist. Short stories have appeared in Seventeen, Redbook, Yankee, American Literary Review, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, and anthologies of crime fiction by New England authors published by Level Best Books.


It's a Mystery to Me: Award Presentation and Panel Discussion 

Village Square Bookstore, 32 The Square, Bellows Falls, VT 05101

Saturday, September 26, 2015 at 2:00pm


Members of Sisters in Crime will present a panel discussion - a basic “nuts and bolts” session covering everything from getting that first idea, creating characters, plotting, doing research, and the daily schedule that gets the book written. A special event is presenting the Village Square Bookshop with the We Love Bookstores award!


Other authors include:

Leslie Wheeler (Best New England Crime Story Anthologies, Living History Mystery Series)

Gin Malliet (St. Just and Max Tudor Mysteries)

Jessie Crockett (author of the Sugar Grove Mysteries)

Ellen Larson (see above)


Myopia Horse Show

435 Bay Road, Hamilton, Massachusetts August 29 and 30, 2015 1:00-3:00 pm


How could I be anywhere else but in Jessica Wyeth's hometown for the annual Myopia Horse Show! I'll be relaxing ringside, watching seasoned and emerging equestrian talent compete for an array of prizes, including a $5,000 Jumper Classic purse! Come for the spectacle! It's terrific fun!


The show is held on the beautiful and historic Myopia Schooling Fields. Come and enjoy the spectacle, great food, wonderful people, and <ahem> a friendly author selling books!





Summer Reading Author Fair

Haverhill Public Library, Haverhill, Massachusetts August 15, 2015 1:00-3:00 pm


Haverhill Public Library is a vibrant participant in their community. As part of their summer reading program, they sponsor an informal fair where readers can chat with authors about books, writing, and inspirations.


Join us on a lazy summer afternoon!




New England Author Expo

Daversport Yacht Club, Danvers, Massachusetts July 29, 2015 4:00-9:00 pm


Are you a reader looking for the best in reading and want to meet the authors? Come to the New England Author's Expo to meet authors and other readers to share insights and ideas. Event is free to the public and doors open at 4:00 pm EST. 


Whether your reading taste runs from memoir, local history, or biography to horror, mystery and suspense, come spend a summer afternoon and pick up your beach reading for August. More information can be found on their Facebook page here.



Vermont Summer Festival Horse Shows

East Dorset, Vermont July 18 - 19, 2015 10:00-3:00 pm

July 23 - 26,  10:00-3:00 pm


You'll find me content and happy sitting ringside (beside the grandstand overlooking stadium jumping) and chatting with folks about books and horses. See that grandstand on the left of that picture? That's where I'll be. Vermont is my favorite place to be in the summer and being surrounded by books, horses, and mountains is where I hope to find you, too. 


Vermont Summer Festival is a month long series of horse shows that draws the best of the best. Come see future Olympians earn their stripes. Saturday, July 25, will have a Grand Prix event with a purse of $30K for the winner. Stop by, enjoy some heart-stopping equestrian events and get a signed copy of my books!



Groton House Farm Horse Trials

Groton House Farm, 746 Highland Street, Hamilton, MA

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday June 26- 29, 2015 


Groton House Farm, located in South Hamilton, Massachusetts, has been the site for a three day horse trial for over three decades. Disciplines of dressage, cross-country, and stadium jumping test horse and rider and give spectators a treat.


Okay, you say. Horses. Big deal. Why should you care?


...Because the essence of the location and all who ride at GHF is infused into my books. Stopping by here provides a window into the psyche of Jessica Wyeth, the protagonist with the sheer grit that makes my stories zing. I haven't met a fan yet who hasn't felt that walking the GHF grounds is like walking in Jessica's shoes. It makes for a really fun experience.


I'll be signing books ringside Friday - Sunday, June 26 - 28, so stop by and say hello.


And one more thing.


I'm featuring the photographs of F. Nicholas Corvinus. Nick's pictures of the wild Carmargue horses of France, are incredible. He captures the rough and gritty nature of these animals with images I love. I'll share some here, but if you want more information, message me or comment and I'll get back to you.


New England Mobile Book Fair Author Meet and Greet

New England Mobile Book Fair, 82-84 Needham Street, Newton Highlands, MA

Saturday, June 20, 2015 11:00 am-1:00 pm


Please join me for another fun author meet and greet. I'll be signing copies of The Charity and its sequel, The Troubles. I love these informal events as I get to chat with readers one on one and get to know them a bit.

If you've never been to New England Mobile Book Fair, you need to get off your arse and go! For over 52 years, NEMBF has provided New Englanders with the best book selection and prices. They hold frequent events for readers to meet authors and are sure to have your sought after book in stock or will get it for you ASAP. 

See you there!


Book Launch for The Troubles

Jabberwocky Bookshop, 50 Water Street, Newburyport, MA

Friday, May 29, 2015 7:00 to 9:00 pm


Whoo Doggy! It's been a long time in the making, but the date is finally near! 


Please join me at Jabberwocky Bookshop for a night of reading, insights, and sharing the joys and pain of writing a sequel. I'll read a little, talk a bit, and answer all your questions.


If you've never been to Jabberwocky, you're in for a treat. Sue Little, owner and Chief Book Commander, is an incredible asset to the book loving community of the North Shore. She has created a literary oasis in Newburyport with something for everyone.


Pictures for both launches can be see under the "Events Portfolio" tab. 





Writers' Work Guest Speaker

The Hearth 'n Kettle, Weymouth, Massachusetts

Monday, April 27, 2015 6:00 - 9:00 pm


Come and enjoy a New England dinner and meet authors and writers at this networking event. Writers of many disciplines will be there to share insights and tips. I'll be speaking on Author to Reader marketing (A2R Marketing)


Social media provides wonderful tools but with a dizzying array of choices and methods. For many, learning to use the tools is the easy part. The hard part is keeping your reader base engaged while expanding your influence. 


I'm excited to share insights and strategies to help even the most timid writer find his or her marketing mojo.




Noir at the Bar 2

The Pour House, 907 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts

Sunday, April 26, 6:00 - 9:00 pm


Boston has a new literary tradition. Back by popular demand, Noir at the Bar features some of Boston's best noir authors. From hard boiled crime, mystery and thriller, to the edges of horror, readers will be entertained with original works crafted especially for the evening. Each author will read for about ten minutes.


If you're not from around Boston, make sure you don't peg yourself as an out-of-towner. Locals love their "Noo-WAH at da Bah in BAH-stin." And be careful where you pahk ya cah.



I'll be joining Stona Fitch, Mike Miner, Chris Irvin, Patrick Shawn Bagley, Bracken MacLeod, Dale Phillips, Tony McMillen, and Errick Nunnally.




New Hampshire Writers' Project: Guest Speaker

Fody's Tavern, 9 Clinton Strett, Nashua , New Hampshire

Monday, January 5, 2015 7:00 pm


Launching a book is a lot like starting a business. My twenty-five years of experience in business development, marketing and entrepreneurial enterprises comes in very handy when promoting. We're all familiar with B2B and B2C (Business-to-Business and Business-to-Consumer) promotions. I'm very excited to have been invited by the New Hampshire Writers' Project to speak on best practices for A2R, or Author-to-Reader, outreach. Pictures and write-up on the event are here.


Author Event

New England Mobile Book Fair Mystery Night

New England Mobile Book Fair, 82-84 Needham Street, Newton Highlands, MA

Thursday, December 4, 2014 6:00 pm


Okay folks, listen up. This is the THIRD ANNUAL mystery night featuring authors from in and around New England. Tom Lyons (pictured above in his native habitat) continued the mystery night tradition started by the iconic (but now closed) Kate's Mystery Books in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Over forty authors will be there (that is in number, not of a certain age) from best selling authors, to local faves, to hot indies (go ahead, think what you want...) Many members from Mystery Writers of America and Sisters in Crime will be there, too.  It's a terrific night and not one to miss.




Please join me for another fun author meet and greet. I'll be signing copies of The Charity and will talk about its upcoming sequel, The Troubles.

If you've never been to New England Mobile Book Fair, you need to get off your arse and go! For over 52 years, NEMBF has provided New Englanders with the best book selection and prices. They hold frequent events for readers to meet authors and are sure to have your sought after book in stock or will get it for you ASAP. 

See you there!




Boston Book Festival: Author Event and Signing

Copley Square, Boston, MA

Saturday, October 25, 2014 2:00-3:00 pm


Please look for me at the Sisters in Crime booth. I'm excited about this event for a couple of reasons. First, BBF is a FREE event promoting and celebrating a culture of reading. What better way to spend a Saturday than to meet authors, listen to fascinating speakers and check out the new releases! Second, Sisters in Crime is an incredible organization that supports mystery, crime, thriller and suspense writers. I belong to both the national SinC and Sisters in Crime, New England chapter and am a member of their speakers bureau. I strongly encourage you to check them out. 



New England Library Association Conference

Holiday Inn, Boxborough, Massachusetts.

Monday, October 20 10:00 - 11:00 am


You'll find me with Sisters in Crime, Deborah Doucette, author of acclaimed The Forgotten Roses and 

Kate Flora, author of Finding Amy, an Edgar award nominee, and the just released Death Dealer. Kate and I share the "former-lawyer-but-still-a-nice-person-turned-writer" turf, so our conversation should be pretty lively.

Author Event

New England Mobile Book Fair Author Event and Signing

New England Mobile Book Fair, 82-84 Needham Street, Newton Highlands, MA

Saturday, September 20, 2014 1:00-3:00 pm


Please join me for another fun author meet and greet. I'll be signing copies of The Charity and will talk about its upcoming sequel, The Troubles.

If you've never been to New England Mobile Book Fair, you need to get off your arse and go! For over 52 years, NEMBF has provided New Englanders with the best book selection and prices. They hold frequent events for readers to meet authors and are sure to have your sought after book in stock or will get it for you ASAP. 

See you there!

P.S. - You can wish me a Happy Birthday, too!



Haverhill Author Fair

Haverhill Public Library, Haverhill Massachusetts August 16, 2014 1:00-3:00 pm


Join us in the auditorium for a program featuring multiple local authors as they share their work and give insight into their road to being published. Books will be available for purchase and signing.


Other authors attending are:

Myfanwy Collins, Rory O'Brien, Dale T. Phillips, Holly Robinson, Ursula Wong,  and Kristin Bair O'Keeffe


Summer is running out! Stop by, meet the authors and pick up your beach reading!



New England Author Expo

Daversport Yacht Club, Danvers, Massachusetts July 30, 2014 4:00-9:00 pm


Are you a reader looking for the best in reading and want to meet the authors? Come to the New England Author's Expo to meet authors and other readers to share insights and ideas. Event is free to the public and doors open at 4:00 pm EST. 


Whether your reading taste runs from memoir, local history, or biography to horror, mystery and suspense, come spend a summer afternoon and pick up your beach reading for August!






Connie Johnson Hambley

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- Author of tense twisting thrillers and timely true stuff-

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